Which Gazelle Model do you have?
Gazelle Medeo T10+ HMB
How long have you had your Gazelle?
10 months
How has owning a Gazelle changed the way you live?
I have worked at the University of California Santa Cruz for 21 years and drove by car each way for the entire time. When I test rode a Gazelle bike through a campus event, I immediately fell in love and dropped my parking permit immediately after I bought my own Gazelle. My commute to work now allows me to listen to a podcast or music, take the opportunity to reflect on my day, check out all the incredible nature on my way to campus and just puts me in a better mood when I get to work everyday. It is one of the best things I have ever done for myself!

What are your thoughts about the role of cycling and ebikes in a more sustainable future?
They are KEY! They are the answer. I feel very fortunate that I was able to afford one, I know for many folks they might be cost prohibitive.
How long have you been riding and is this your first ebike?
I have ridden bikes my entire life and I still have a non-electric hard tail mountain bike but I had never commuted by bike before. My commute is a fairly long and steady uphill from my house so the ebike just makes it so much easier! This ebike was my first one!
How do you use your Gazelle–for commuting, errands, fitness, fun–or all of the above? Tell us how you enjoy the ride.
I use by Gazelle for commuting mainly, but I also use it for errands and fun – getting to and from our local brew pubs or a quick jaunt downtown.

Have you ever met up to ride with other Gazelle owners?
Yes but only on campus rides at UCSC.
What has been your greatest or most memorable adventure with your Gazelle?
Biking to UC Santa Cruz is like biking in a nature preserve. I think stopping and listening to coyotes call in a meadow along the bike path on campus was a highlight.
Anything else you would like to share about your Gazelle or your experience with it?
I think I may be your biggest fan! I have told dozens and dozens of people about my ebike and how much I love Gazelle. Not only are your bikes great as far as performance but they are just really cool looking too!